UK prime cattle slaughter climbs 4% in 2024 - AHDB
An increase in heifer slaughter was the main driverThe number of prime cattle slaughtered in the UK during 2024 stood at 2.12 million head, up by 4% (82,400 head) from 2023, according to a recent market report from AHDB. An increase in heifer slaughter was the main driver, while steer slaughter grew to a lesser extent. Young bull numbers were stable overall.
Cattle inventory data from the start of the year pointed to a 1% increase in the number of prime animals available for beef production in 2024. This was influenced by increases in dairy-beef calf registrations in previous years. Data suggests that 37% of prime cattle slaughtered in GB in 2024 were classed as dairy-beef, up from 35% in 2023, and up from 28% in 2019.
A combination of market factors such as a strong beef price, supply chain sustainability targets (such as reducing age at slaughter) and producer sentiment may have facilitated the greater-than-forecast prime cattle slaughter seen in 2024.
Looking ahead, factoring the latest cattle inventory data against year-to-date slaughter figures suggests that prime cattle availability will reduce in 2025. We forecast that 2025 prime cattle slaughter will total 1.99 million head, a 6% (127,000 head) reduction compared to 2024.

A key caveat to the forecasts is heifer slaughter, which is partly influenced by producer intentions around stocking levels. If reductions in the breeding herd accelerate ahead of expectations, this puts more would-be replacement heifers into the prime beef supply pool and supports production in the short to medium term. If stabilisation − and especially growth − in the national breeding herd occurs, this takes prime heifers out of the beef supply chain.
Calf registration figures suggest that national cattle supplies will continue to reduce into 2026. In 2023, the number of calves registered for beef production (excluding dairy heifers) showed the steepest reduction since 2018 (-2.5%). This was because reductions in suckler-born calves outweighed growth in dairy-beef calf registrations. Reductions continued in 2024, with registrations of calves for beef production down by a further 1.8% annually in the year to November.

Cow slaughter
UK cow slaughter totalled 623,000 head in 2024, up by 1.8% against 2023 and higher than forecasts from earlier in the year. Data from the British Cattle Movement Service suggests that this was driven by an uplift in slaughter of beef cows, as dairy cow slaughter remained largely stable.
The national cow herd – particularly the suckler herd – is expected to remain in a state of contraction, pressured by factors including cost of production, government policy (notably the reduction of direct payments) and general market volatility.
As such, cow slaughter in 2025 is forecast to fall by 2% (15,000 head) from 2024 to 608,000 head.