Beef Exports To South Asia Mixed

GLOBAL - Beef exports to South East Asia and Greater China (SEA and GC) from major suppliers in the world were mixed during January to August, reports Meat and LIvestock Australia (MLA).
calendar icon 29 September 2011
clock icon 2 minute read
Meat & Livestock Australia

MLA states that, shipments from Brazil and New Zealand to the region decreased, as Brazil focussed on their domestic market and New Zealand diverted product to higher-value markets. In contrast, Australian and US beef exports to the region increased.

Brazilian beef exports to SEA and GC during January to August accounted for 10 per cent of total Brazilian beef shipments, falling 22 per cent year-on-year, to 52,027 tonnes swt. The fall was driven by substantial declines in exports to Hong Kong, Philippines and Malaysia.

MLA reports that about 18 per cent of total New Zealand beef exports during January to August were delivered to SEA and GC. During this period, New Zealand beef exports to the region decreased 21 per cent, to 47,417 tonnes swt, attributed almost entirely to a 46 per cent fall in shipments to Indonesia.

In contrast, US beef exports to the region during January to July increased five per cent on 12 months ago, to 74,234 tonnes swt. The rise was boosted by exports to Hong Kong and the Philippines, as the weak US$ assisted trade. The US sent about 15 per cent of its total beef exports to SEA and GC during this period.

India continued to fill the majority of demand for low-priced beef imports in SEA and GC. Shipments to the region during the first two months of 2011 (latest data available) jumped 60 per cent year-on-year to 63,564 tonnes swt. Around 45 per cent of total Indian beef exports were delivered to SEA and GC during January to February, with Malaysia, the Philippines and Viet Nam the main buyers.

Australian beef shipments to the region during January to August also increased four per cent year-on-year, to 87,161 tonnes swt, despite shipments to Indonesia - the largest market of Australian beef in the region - undergoing a period of volatile trading due to local government controls on beef import permits.

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