AFB Comment on EPA's Climate Change Finding

US - The American Farm Bureau Federation's (AFBF) president, Bob Stallman, has criticised the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) endangerment finding related to climate change.
calendar icon 8 December 2009
clock icon 1 minute read

"The decision by the EPA to announce an endangerment finding on carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases could carry severe consequences for America’s farmers and ranchers," Mr Stallman said.

“We firmly believe any regulations dealing with global warming that could negatively affect our ability to produce food and fibre for our nation and the world should come through the legislative process. While more and more questions are being raised about the scientific validity of global warming models it is not the time to begin making sweeping policy decisions based on the projections offered by those climate models," continued Mr Stallman.

“We realise the EPA’s stated intention is to focus this finding narrowly on specific industries, using particular thresholds, but we believe there is no protection in the provisions that prevent them from being applied broadly across all sectors, including farm and ranch families who produce livestock. Due to the timing of the announcement, with the Copenhagen talks about to kickoff, we also believe this move could have more to do with political science than climate science," Mr Stallman concluded.

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