Reproductive Strategies Workshop
US - The Beef Reproduction Task Force and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association is teaming up to offer the Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Workshop at the 2010 Cattle Industry Convention in San Antonio, January 28-29, 2010.“The meeting is for producers, veterinarians and AI (artificial insemination) technicians, as well as anyone interested in beef cattle reproduction,” said Kansas State University animal scientist, Sandy Johnson.
“The workshop is designed to improve understanding and management of the beef cow estrous cycle, recommended estrus synchronisation protocols, and other approaches to improving the efficiency of reproduction,” said Ms Johnson, who is one of the event coordinators.
“The workshop also will cover strategies to improve cowherd profitability through enhanced management techniques and nutritional influences on reproductive success and the role of male fertility,” said Ms Johnson, who is the K-State Research and Extension northwest area livestock specialist based in Colby, Kan.
The Beef Reproduction Task Force is a multi-state Extension group made up of specialists from Kansas State University, University of Missouri, Iowa State University, University of Nebraska, South Dakota State University, University of Florida, University of Illinois and University of Idaho.
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