Meat and Wool New Zealand to Work With Levy Payers
Meat and Wool New Zealand have been busy analysing regional voting patterns in an attempt to highlight where the organisation must reconnect with farmer levy payers.The Chairman, Mike Peterson said the regional breakdown of voting has allowed the organisation to understand where support was lacking and where additional work was required. These areas with less support were Southland, Western North Island and Northland.
Payers appear to be dissatisfied with beef levies, Meat and Wool New Zealand are prepared to work with farmers to explain the benefits of their levy installment and also to understand what further issues need to be addressed.
Mr Peterson said that although it was farmers at two ends of the country and the Western North Island that had spoken most forcefully about the organisation, he was under no illusion that all New Zealand livestock farmers expected to see more for value in the future from their levies.
"We are committed to doing better and ensuring we move forward as an organisation that has relevance and impact for farmers and delivers value to their businesses" said Mr Peterson.
With the recent loss of the wool levy it is important for Meat and Wool New Zealand to take on board what farmers are saying in order to capture opportunities for the industry.
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