R-Calf in Praise of Modernisation Act
US - The Beef Checkoff Modernisation Act was introduced recently in the US, with strong support from R-Calf. They say that not only will it allow a portion of Checkoff funds to be used to promote US beef, but it will also allow cattle producers to hold a referendum on the measure.Additionally, organizations that did not exist prior to 1985 when the Checkoff was passed into law would now be allowed to bid on contracts to promote U.S. beef.
“Today’s marketplace is dysfunctional because U.S. producers are forced to pay to market and promote their competitors’ product,” claimed R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard. “Currently, the Checkoff allows only the promotion of generic beef, which means all of the imported beef products get to ride the coattails of the U.S. farmer and rancher who’s footing the lion’s share of the bill for Checkoff promotional activity.
“Senator Tester’s legislation would correct that problem and allow a great portion of the money assessed upon independent U.S. cattle producers to promote, market and advertise USA beef to U.S. consumers, and that’s what we’ve wanted for a long, long time,” he continued. “We thank Senator Tester for the months of hard work he’s put into bringing this bill to fruition and we look forward to working with Congress to make certain these important changes to the Checkoff become law.”
The National Beef Checkoff Program was created in 1985. Currently, every single time a cow, calf or steer is sold in the United States, producers are assessed a $1 fee.
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