Future At Stake For Test Farm
NAPPAN – Three months after applying for provincial funding officials at the Maritime Beef Test station in Nappan are still awaiting word on whether they are going to receive the money they need to continue operating beyond next year.“We’re still waiting,” society office manager Bernadette Hoeg said Wednesday. “We’ve done everything we’ve been asked to do but all we’ve heard is that someone is reviewing our application.”
Members of the society that operates the beef testing station will gather in Nappan next Tuesday to discuss the situation and decide their next course of action. Hoeg said the society finished the past fiscal year in July in good shape and they’ve already committed to moving forward with the next year of beef testing.Beyond that, though, is not known unless the Nova Scotia government comes forward with some funding.
The centre’s future was cast into doubt earlier this year when the province informed the society it would not be providing its portion of the funding used to operate the facility. Instead, representatives from the Department of Agriculture suggested centre officials apply for funding through a newly established investment fund.
Hoeg said the centre applied for three years of funding, or $75,000. When she didn’t hear anything in August, Hoeg contacted the province about the application only to be told there was information missing.
Source: AhmerstDaily