Kansas Company Introduces Natural Beef Premium Program
US - The Beef Marketing Group (BMG), headquartered at Great Bend, Kansas, announced its Customer Ownership Program in May. BMG will pay a $100 per head premium for all cattle harvested as natural.Nothing but natural. |
BMG is a marketing cooperative of 14 feedyards in Kansas and Nebraska. Five of those are currently dedicated to the production of natural beef as part of an agreement with Tyson Fresh Meats, the top volume Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB) licensed packer. To qualify for Certified Angus Beef brand Natural, cattle must be individually identified and never received antibiotics, hormonal implants, ionophores or animal by-products.
"We need all the documentation, including natural affidavits," says Kenny Wiens, BMG director of procurement.
The Beef Marketing Group (BMG), headquartered at Great Bend, Kansas, announced its Customer Ownership Program in May. BMG will pay a $100 per head premium for all cattle harvested as natural.
Source: Agriculture Online