Rabobank Beef Quarterly - Downward Price Risks
There are downside price risks in cattle/ beef markets during the second quarter (Q2) of 2012, as Rabobank expects a slightly larger global supply, led by Brazil and other countries in the Southern Hemisphere, amidst a global economy which remains relatively weak.For the rest of the year, however, cattle
prices should recover again as markets shift from the short
term supply bulge (primarily Brazil) to materially lower
supplies as the majority of the beef producing countries are
going through liquidation, a retention cycle or weatherrelated
problems. Nevertheless, a significant rise in prices
may be limited by weakness in economic growth, which
may prompt shifts towards cheaper sources of protein,
notably in the developing world. Longer term, our view is
that global meat protein and especially beef supplies will
continue to lag income and population growth in important
emerging markets. This will support prices while raising
volume and cost risks to processors and price risks to
The Rabobank Global Cattle Price Index dropped 2.5% from
December 2011 levels in Q1 2012 on the back of generally
weaker demand and a seasonal increase in supply in the
Southern Hemisphere. Additional headwinds came from the
recent fall in United States (US) cattle values amid reduced
demand caused by consumers’ reactions to the lean finetextured
beef (LFTB) debacle. In a year-over-year comparison, the
Index is beginning Q2 down 4% from where it began in Q2 2011
(see Figure 1).
The Rabobank Beef Forex Index average for Q1 2012 was 2%
below Q4 2011 levels in the wake of the US dollar devaluation
against most of the important exporter countries. However, the
Index is starting Q2 6.6% higher than the same period last year,
which could increase the downward pressure on international
beef prices (see Figure 2).
Demand started out strong in the US and the European Union
(EU), with record- setting prices in Q1. Continued strength in
pricing will be supported by short global supplies but may be
constrained by continuing slow employment growth, falling real incomes and the recent increase in oil prices, which have all
added even more pressure to already tight disposable incomes.
Disruptions in the US market and reduced use of LFTB
Since mid-March, the US beef complex has been in turmoil due
to the media-driven frenzy over LFTB. LFTB is a 95% lean product
produced from beef fat trimmings. It is typically 33% lean or less.
The process, which was developed by Beef Products
Incorporated (BPI), slowly heats the fat trimmings and uses
centrifuge to separate the lean tissue from the fat. The separated
fat has typically been used in edible tallow or in the
manufacturing of biodiesel. The lean product has primarily been
used as an additive to ground beef, hamburger patties and taco
meat. The exceptionally lean product has been used to increase
the percentage of lean meat in ground beef blends.
Based on a quote from an email sent by a USDA microbiologist in
2002, the term ‘pink slime’ was coined in reference to the
product. The combination of national news outlets, bloggers and
anti-red-meat activists has stimulated a huge public reaction that
has radically lowered the price for U.S. 50CL trimmings and is
expected to increase the price of 90CL manufacturing beef. This
will force shifts in US consumers’ purchasing patterns of ground
beef. The market-disrupting event is also expected to increase
the volume of lean trimmings imported into the US, especially
from Australia and New Zealand, making the US a net beef
We estimate that LFTB currently accounts for a little less than 2%
of the US beef supply. Weeks of intense media attention have, at
least temporarily, had a negative impact on beef demand, which
has forced lower prices for both US fed cattle and beef.
Rabobank 7-Nation Finished Cattle Price Index
Rabobank Beef Forex Index Against the US Dollar
Impact of Schmallenberg virus on the EU beef industry limited
Compared with the total number of EU farms, the share of Schmallenberg-infected farms is very low (<0.5%). In addition, meat can still be exported, which minimises the effect for the meat industry. However, the import bans by Russia and Turkey’s cautiousness in granting import permits for livestock and genetics are impacting the live cattle traders and genetic companies which are experiencing export problems. This situation has not been helped by the fact that the European Commission is not allowing countries to attach extra documents to the products with proof that the livestock/genetics are not infected by Schmallenberg.
Brazil possibly allowed to expand exports into new markets
Local authorities have great expectations that the OIE will lower the Brazilian BSE risk status from a category 2 to a category 1 (although Brazil has never had a case of BSE). If this change materialises, trade negotiations with several countries may accelerate, resulting in new markets for Brazil. A good example is the Turkish market, which seems to be inclined to deal with Brazil in order to diversify its sources of beef beyond the traditional EU countries.
Global Average Live Cattle Prices
May 2012